Jeep Grand Cherokee Rockrails, 2005 and up Review

Jeep Grand Cherokee Rockrails, 2005 and up Feature
- Indestructible design
- Easy installation
- Powdercoat finish
- Attractive factory look
- strong mounting system
Rocky Road Rockrails are the creme' de la creme' of the Jeep rocker protection phenomenom. We use 1/4" inner hitch steel to make sure your bars do NOT bend! Anything else is just plain flimsy. Most other rocker bars are made from thin 1/8" wall material and a good number of the Rockrails we sell are to those who have bought these thinner bars and have bent them up. The Rockrails have a very sleek rounded look about them as we use genuine inner hitch steel in their construction. Hitch steel is not only very strong, it also has a nice radius corner instead of a hard boxy look. Its sheer weight is astronomical as is its bending strength. Our shop press only goes to 40 tons and we can't even start to bend them. Do you think a scrawny little rock can hurt these things? Think again! Our rockrails are very simple to install and are completely 'bolt on'. They mount on the sub-frame as well as along the body seam. Not mounting along the entire seam causes extreme stress with the leverage of an impact on the outer rocker itself. Our design distributes the load across a broad area instead of focusing it on small spots. You'll find our Rockrails very attractive and will blend in nicely with your stock flares and moldings. They run fender to fender and many folks have commented on their very OEM (factory) look. They tuck tighter to the body than any other rocker on the market as well. In a nutshell, Rockrails are the strongest and thickest bars on the market, best mounting system, and are guaranteed NEVER to bend. Why wouldn't you get a set?
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